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Data Engineering Services: From data strategy to integration & management with Mimacom

Turn data silos into distributed, connected architectures. Replace manual data management with automated and scalable processes suitable for real-time data streams. Mimacom is your provider for data-driven services and business solutions.

  • Know Your Customers (KYC)

  • Gain insights into customer behavior.

  • Create tailored products and services.

  • Improve Operations

  • Maintain data usefulness while ensuring security and compliance.

  • Monetize Your Data

  • Unlock the potential of your data in a secure way.

Our services:

Mimacom specializes in strategies and software solutions for data management. We help companies to create a data management solution either on-premises or in the cloud. Enter a new era of data usage and create value along the whole data lifecycle.

Some of our services include:

Process and analyze your data using metadata discovery and management techniques. Enhance compliance and quality and unleash the power of your data.

"Mimacom impressed us with competence in Apache Kafka® and Elastic. Their log management and monitoring platform was convincing."

Thomas WickSecurity EngineerBühler Group
Logo Bühler Group

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