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Decoding hyperautomation: Exploring the frontier of automation technologies


In this blog post, we dive deep into the world of hyperautomation and its impact on businesses. With a focus on selecting the right Business Process Management(BPM) platform, we explore the various components of hyperautomation, including process mining, robotic process automation (RPA), natural language processing (NLP), and Business Process Automation (BPA).

Whether you're new to hyperautomation or seeking to optimize your current automation strategy, this blog will help you in the following ways:

  1. This blog will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the seemingly complex automation landscape with confidence.

  2. Ensure that you choose the right platform for your specific use cases by providing you with criteria, use cases, and benefits of choosing a specific technology.

  3. Give you a sneak peek at why Flowable can be an excellent solution tailored to your BPA needs.

What is hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation goes beyond traditional automation by leveraging multiple automation technologies to automate not only repetitive tasks but also more complex, judgment-based processes. It involves the integration of various tools, such as Process Mining, Task Mining, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) & Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Data Analytics, to achieve end-to-end automation across the entire business ecosystem.

Hyperautomation enables organizations to automate decision-making processes, improve data analysis, and enhance customer interactions. It eliminates manual interventions, reduces errors, and accelerates the overall speed of operations. Hyperautomation also enables the seamless integration of different systems and applications, breaking down silos and fostering a more interconnected digital environment.

Now that you know what hyperautomation is, let us demystify the different constituent technologies.

Difference between different technologies

By considering factors such as low-code and no-code capabilities, process digitalization, process automation, process modeling, and process orchestration, you can identify the platform that best suits your organization's hyperautomation strategy. The aim is to guide you in differentiating multiple Business Process Management (BPM) software available in the market.

Process Analysis

  • Task Mining Identify task patterns by mining activity logs from the user’s laptop/desktop. E.g., Mimica

  • Process Mining Identify the process patterns by mining activity logs from IT applications on which the process is running. E.g., Celonis

  • Process Modelling Manual process modeling using simple process modeling tools such as Visio

Task Level Automation

  • RPA Simple, repeatable tasks that require integration via UI scrapping when two applications do not talk to each other. E.g., UiPath

  • iPaaS Simple repeatable tasks that need integration via APIs or other methods

  • IDP & OCR Series of tasks that require document management and content scanning


  • Low Code App Development For simple, graphical workflows involving limited team members and less complexity. E.g., Creatio

Process Automation

  • BPA Complex end-to-end process automation leveraging BPMN, DMN, and CMMN. E.g., Flowable

A sample use case for each underlying technology

Task Mining

Use case: A healthcare back office organization utilizes task mining to identify and address inefficiencies in its patient care processes. By analyzing the tasks performed by workers and identifying areas of improvement, the organization can enhance patient experiences, reduce wait times, and optimize its workforce.

Process Mining

Use case: A financial institution utilizes process mining to analyze its loan approval process. By identifying bottlenecks and delays in the process, they can streamline the workflow and reduce the time it takes to approve loans, leading to a better experience for their customers.

Process Modeling

Use case: A manufacturing company utilizes process modeling to design and optimize its governance and risk processes identifying all the stakeholders, rules, and systems in place.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Use case: A finance organization utilizes RPA to automate its invoice processing. By automating this process, they can reduce the time and resources required for manual data entry and improve the accuracy of their financial records.

Integration platforms as a service (iPaaS)

Use case: A retail company utilizes iPaaS to integrate its online store with its inventory management system. By automating this integration process, they can ensure that their inventory levels are accurate, reduce the risk of overselling or underselling, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Intelligent document processing and Optical character recognition (IDP& OCR)

Use case: An insurance company utilizes IDP+OCR to automate its claims processing. By automatically extracting data from claim forms and inputting it into their system, they can reduce manual data entry, improve accuracy, and speed up the claims process.


Use case: A manufacturing company utilizes LCAP to create a custom app for their production line workers. By enabling workers to access relevant information and complete tasks from their mobile devices, they can enhance overall efficiency and reduce the time and resources required for manual data entry.

BPA (Business Process Automation)

Use case: An insurance company automates end-to-end claims processing using BPA eliminating manual tasks, errors, and enhancing efficiency. By integrating data validation, automated approvals, and document management, the customer experiences faster claim settlements and improved customer satisfaction.

Where does Flowable fit in?

Flowable is a versatile and comprehensive business process automation (BPA) platform that offers a wide range of features and capabilities. It serves as a powerful tool for organizations looking to streamline their business processes, automate tasks, and improve overall operational efficiency.

Here are some key areas where Flowable fits in:

  1. Flowable excels in BPM by providing a robust environment for modeling, executing, and monitoring business processes. It utilizes the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard to create visual representations of processes, allowing businesses to design, simulate, and optimize workflows. With Flowable, organizations can model, automate and monitor complex and long-running processes.

  2. Case Management: Flowable incorporates Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) to enable flexible and adaptive handling of cases. This feature is particularly beneficial for industries that deal with dynamic and unpredictable processes. Flowable's case management capabilities allow for the effective management of unstructured work, ad-hoc tasks, and complex scenarios, providing organizations with the agility to handle diverse cases efficiently.

  3. Decision Management: Flowable integrates Decision Model and Notation (DMN) to support rule-based decision-making. It enables organizations to define and manage their business rules in a structured and reusable manner. By using DMN, Flowable allows for transparent and auditable decision-making processes, empowering businesses to automate decisions, improve accuracy, and ensure compliance with regulations.

  4. Integration and Extensibility: Flowable offers robust integration capabilities, allowing seamless connectivity with existing systems and applications. It supports various integration protocols and standards, including REST, SOAP, JMS, and more. Additionally, Flowable provides extension points and APIs, enabling developers to customize and extend the platform to meet specific business requirements.


Hyperautomation is revolutionizing how businesses operate by automating critical processes. Choosing the appropriate technology stack is pivotal for unlocking efficiency and agility. By identifying use cases, evaluating technology criteria, and aligning strategies, organizations achieve transformative outcomes. Hyperautomation empowers enhanced decision-making, streamlined operations, and improved data analysis. Seamless integration fosters an interconnected digital environment. Embracing hyperautomation drives digital transformation, enabling businesses to achieve remarkable levels of productivity and customer satisfaction.

Tushar Srivastava

As a Solution Consultant at Flowable, BPM enthusiast and former Gartner Analyst, Tushar has a decade of experience in business process and requirement gathering, process mapping and management.